What makes a great pillow? 4 Customers tell us!

A great pillow is one where your customers cannot stop telling you how it has improved their sleep, and we are privileged to have customers who share their stories with us.
Our previous blog discussed why pillows with carded virgin microfiber is a better choice for a good night’s sleep and we promised to discuss the feedback from our customers.
Why I wanted a great pillow
I worked for multinationals for many years and stayed in many hotels around the world. One of the challenges was the pillows because they were all feather pillows, no matter in which hotel I stayed.
I would fly in , shower, go to work to attend all the meetings and then at the end of the day go for suppers to build those relationships and to network. At 23:00 pm I would enter my hotel room, shower, and get into bed for that jetlagged sleep and then my head would press down on the feather pillow until I could feel the mattress. By the next morning, my neck was in a spasm and the next evening I would phone housekeeping for firmer pillows.
At the end of my stay, I would have 12 pillows in my room, all the same and an even bigger spasm in the neck. I thought I was the only bed connoisseur in the world as no one talked about this as we all had to be the perfect globe trotters…
When I developed DuviBuddy’s products and we eventually found a proudly South African factory that was prepared to make them, I was looking forward and so excited to use all our products. I bought them for my bed but had a big reluctance to pack my old faithful pillow away.
After two weeks I forced myself to order my own DuviBuddy pillow online and after it was delivered within 2 days I slept on it.
I loved the zip and the colour which helped with ease of identifying my pillow. I stuffed my pillow with some more microfiber from the Duvibuddy bag that you get with your pillow, and which allows you to take or to put back microfiber based on your density preference i.e.: soft , medium, or firm.
I like a firm and great pillow and slept so well that night. After a week I took back my old pillow as I wanted to test whether the DuviBuddy pillow was as good as I thought it was. Much to my surprise I could not stand my “old faithful “pillow and after an hour of tossing and turning I took my DuviBuddy pillow and went to sleep with a smile on my face. The pillow was the big test for DuviBuddy as it is such a personal preference.
I knew that we had integrity as we are all using our products and love them. You cannot sell what you do not believe in and use yourself. I also weighed my pillow on the kitchen scale and know my density preference and ordered another pillow, stuffed it, and put it on my bed. I forgot about it due to the businesses of our day and the next morning I realised we also succeeded with consistency as it slept exactly like my previous DuviBuddy pillow.
How often do you love something and when you go back they have discontinued or changed it?
Mary Ann’s and the DuviBuddy King size Zip -ID Pillow
Mary Ann has neck problems and she used 3 pillows to sleep on. She assisted me with some prototype development projects for DuviBuddy and after working with the Zip -ID pillows, she asked to purchase the King pillow for herself.
After a couple of months, I reached out to her and asked how it slept and much to my delight she stated that she slowly let go of her 3 trusted pillows and stuffed the DuviBuddy King very firm.
At present she is sleeping on one pillow. After a while she bought more of our King pillows and pillowcases for her family.
We are not making any claims to be an orthopaedic pillow company but Mary Ann stated that it did help with her neck pain as she had the control over the density which assist greatly with such matters.
Jacques Botha, the home, and bed perfectionist
Jacques is a bed and home perfectionist and he bought our pillows for him and his partner. I knew that he would give us straight feedback. After a few weeks he stated they loved it. When they went on leave they could not sleep on the pillows at where they stayed overnight.
They longed for their DuviBuddy pillows.
All the trips from then on were made with the DuviBuddy pillows as part of the luggage. They refuse to leave without it. The last holiday was abroad and they left their beloved DuviBuddies at home thinking that the luxurious hotel will have the best pillows.
They ended up with more pillows in their bedroom than I did on my business trips. They experienced hotel feather King pillows and developed neck pains. They missed the great pillow feel. He asked us to please contact the hotels as they surely need this for that extra added value proposition.
Jacques washed their pillows two weeks ago in the washing machine and afterwards he tumble dried one and the other was put on a drying rack outside. The feedback was, it washed amazingly and it was as plush, full, and firm after the tumble dry as before.
Our previous blog stated this as well. The pillows looked brand new and Jacques further stated it was the easiest pillow wash he has ever had in his life and we must please take note that he has washed many pillows.
Joe Diedericks and Zip-ID Pillow talk
Joe is our website developer, SEO, and photographer and so much more. He is very talented and a straight shooter who does not hold back an opinion. With a logical approach, things must make sense to him.
After our first Photoshoot together, he was really intrigued with the DuviBuddy Zip-ID pillow. I gave him one with a red zip to say thank you and he chucked it in the back of his red car. I thought maybe I made a mistake to give a guy this as a gift.
As an entrepreneur you go through a spiritual journey with many bumps and challenges which toughens you and grows you into a better person for your business. I was feeling entrepreneurial despondency that day and late that evening out of the blue a vlog came through which gave me such hope. Joe did a pillow talk series on Instagram as he tested this pillow, comparing it to his current pillow and if it was actually better.
He found that it improved the quality of his sleep dramatically and even tracked it using an application on his Apple Watch. He is now converted and considering starting the Zip-ID Pillow Cult. For him it is a great pillow.
Debbie Baillie prefers soft and flat
Debbie was looking for a soft and very flat pillow for many years. She bought the Zip-ID pillow and immediately removed 40% of the microfiber and placed it back into the extra drawstring bag. The additional bag gives you that flexibility to either remove or add to your pillow.
She cannot sleep on any other pillow as no other pillow gives her control over the density – DuviBuddy pillows do.
The extra microfibre was later used to firm up an additional pillow as her partner prefers a more firm density. Because DuviBuddy pillows have colour coded zips which helps them to each id (identify) their own pillows, they also do not have “pillow fights” anymore.
Flexible and Positive
We have so many positive customer stories about the DuviBuddy Zip- ID pillow. A great pillow in our and their views. Share a bed with a partner is easier as you can lift your pillowcase and peek in to see the colour of your zip at night. You also have the comfort of knowing that you are in control of the density.
Too many times we have bought pillows just to be dissatisfied with the density that was picked for us.
We wanted a flexible experience for our customers and for bed making. In addition to this, our 3-Way Zip duvet covers are a breeze to insert and thanks to our unique directional labels on our fitted sheets, that line up with the ones on our duvet inners, placement is always in the right direction. No more corrections.
This makes life so much easier for all and sundry who makes the bed. It you want a great pillow, we have a great pillow for you.