Easy does it – Jamie Oliver 45 second Omelette recipe

I was watching a video where Jamie Oliver was demonstrating the making of a simple omelette which he often makes for his kids as a snack when they are hungry.
- You take two eggs, beat them, add salt and pepper.
- In a non-stick pan you add a bit of oil and heat the oil up.
- Once this is done you add the egg mixture and as soon as it sets slightly, you sprinkle grated cheddar or mozzarella cheese over the eggs.
- Start melting the cheese and fold the omelet three times
Voila! You have a delicious snack or easy meal.
Shortly after that I happened upon a video where Prue Leith confessed to taking the easy way out, often, when she cooks. She said she is not above taking a spatchcock chicken, raw of course, pouring over one of the Nando’s sauces of choice and sticking it in the oven. The other thing she apparently does is uses store bought puff pastry. Who knew?
I thought about these two-world renowned, highly skilled chefs who have achieved so much in their lifetimes to date, and was struck by the fact that, considering how much knowledge they have and how skilled they are in their culinary techniques and their collective creativity, they are quite happy to take the easy route. This in my view does not diminish my opinion of them but rather adds to it. They are human after all!
It reminded me of some of the TED talks I have been listening to on a whole host of subjects and how often I am amazed at the simplicity with which the speaker can convey their message when they are a master in their subject. Alternatively, when somebody gives a talk and they lose you when they go into too much detail and most of what they are trying to say gets lost in translation, I wonder how good they really know their subject matter. Maybe it is just me though, and it is a distinct possibility that I do not have sufficient interest in what they are saying.
I think what I am trying to say is that no matter how knowledgeable you are, to take shortcuts is perfectly acceptable and why not make your life easy by doing just that, especially if you have had a harrowing day at the office and need to get the family fed.
On a much larger scale, trying to simplify life in general, is in my opinion an art and should be applied at every possible juncture.